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Have Your Article Published In Ash Quarterly Magazine

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Do you have a great story about cigars? Have you ever wanted to write for a magazine? We have the opportunity for you. We will be hosting a fun competition for a 2-page article in the Spring '22 Issue of Ash Quarterly Magazine. It's super easy to enter and the winner will be chosen by readers right here on the Ash Quarterly Blog.

How To Enter: E-mail us your article/story at with the subject Spring Submission. Articles must be between 500-700 words and be sent in the actual e-mail (no attachments please). The contents of your article are completely up to you, however, please refrain from overuse of vulgar language or negative stories about specific people or brands.

Finalists: We will choose 5 finalists on February 1st to post here on the Ash Quarterly Blog. Finalists will be chosen based on the above requirements, creativity, and overall fit. If you've read our magazine you know, we aren't for snobby aficionados.

Winner: On February 1st, all 5 articles will be published on the Ash Quarterly Blog. For the month of February, readers will be able to view, comment, like, and share your article. Whichever article has the most likes as of March 1st will be declared the winner and have their article and picture published in the Spring '22 Issue of Ash Quarterly Magazine. The winner will receive an annual subscription to Ash Quarterly Magazine as well as 10 copies of the issue they are published in.

Legal Stuff: By submitting your article for review you are giving rights to Ash Quarterly to publish said article via web and print with no expectation of monetary compensation. You will be credited for your work in any publication (print or web) as the creator of said work.


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