Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust is yet again on display in our Annual Awards, this time as the #3 Cigar of 2021 as rated by consumers. The #NLMTHA Lancero has an interesting story. After relentless requests for Saka to blend a Lancero, he finally gave in and created this gem of a cigar. However, with his disdain for the vitola he decided to name it #NLMTHA which is an acronym for Now Leave Me The Hell Alone. Steve explained to us that it's not that he hates Lanceros, it's that he is unable to be as creative with the blend as he would like. With limited space for varying tobaccos, it is difficult to create a complex blend to Steve's standards. With all that said, Steve Saka obviously knocked this Lancero out of the park. Consumers rated the #NLMTHA a phenomenal 9.3 in the Spring '21 Issue of Ash Quarterly Magazine.
*We will be counting down the top 3 cigars as rated by consumers in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter '21 issues of Ash Quarterly Magazine. Only the Number 1 cigar will receive a physical award.