The #1 Cigar of the Year as voted on by consumers in our Ash Quarterly Rating Club is the St. Francis Toro from All Saints Cigars. The St Francis blend consists of Nicaragua filler and binder wrapped in an Ecuadorian Oscuro wrapper and is made in the Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. factory. Coming in with an overall rating of 9.7, this will be a hard cigar to beat.
Micky Pegg and Frank Layo started All Saints only two years ago in 2019 and if these ratings are any indication, they will have a long and prosperous run. If you have not tried an All Saints cigar yet, don't wait as consumers agree that All Saints is the next big thing!
*Don't miss out on the Winter '21 Issue of Ash Quarterly Magazine for more on this and all other Ash Quarterly Award Winners.