Ash Quarterly Magazine launched it's first issue almost 5 years ago in December of 2018. The magazine has had a lot of changes and upgrades since then from style to launching a consumer based ratings system and so much more. In celebration of 5 Years of publishing we are unveiling our new logo today. This logo will first be seen on our magazine in our upcoming Volume 6 Issue 1.
Founder and Editor Jason Faulkenburg had the following to say: "While I love our original logo and all that we have done with it, it was time to update our logo to match our current style and branding. Most importantly I want to take moment to thank some key people who have helped us get where we are. Lenessa Terry for being on our first-ever cover of Ash Quarterly Magazine. Jeff Borysiewicz for being our first-ever interview. Tawana Brown for helping to launch and run our Ladies of the Leaf feature articles for our first few years. Micallef Cigars for becoming our sponsor of the Ladies of the Leaf features. Rob Gagner (formerly of Boveda) and Boveda for providing amazing content in every issue of Ash Quarterly Magazine. Joshua Habursky and the Premium Cigar Association for providing legislative updates to our readers. Robert Allan, Storm Boen, and the entire Cigars For Warriors team for their amazing partnership. Jon Lipson, Alec Rubin, Bradley Rubin, Alan Rubin, and the entire Alec Bradley family for their partnership and collaboration on the Alec Bradley Prensado Gran Belicoso Ash Quarterly Edition. Karen Berger, Bruce Busch, and all of the Karen Berger Cigars team for their partnership in our QR Code Program. Joseph Jenovese for being a confidant, fantastic photographer, but most of all a great friend. All of our sponsors/advertisers over the years for their support, guidance, and friendship. Abe Dababneh for giving me some much needed advice early on. But most of all, thank you to all of our readers and cigar reviewers. None of this would be possible without you and I am honored that you have given your time, our most valuable commodity, to us over the years. I am sure I am leaving some people out as there have been so many that have helped guide, influence, and support. Thank you all! We are so excited for the future and have plenty of fun things in store!"
Be on the lookout for some new branded items coming soon and here's to another 5 years!
Congratulations to the Ash Quarterly team! Up n up! Cool new logo