We are happy to announce that the technical glitch causing 3 sets of e-mails and voting has been fixed! Every vote is in one spot now and votes already casts have been moved over so no votes have been lost. In addition to our 4 consumer-voted awards (Company of the Year, Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, and Consumer Engagement) we have decided to add a consumer-voted Cigar of the Year. In years past we have chosen the cigar of the year based on ratings compiled through our Cigar Reviewer Packs but after careful consideration we decided to make a change this year. This was due to only being able to rate 48 cigars a year and limited access to ratings by consumers. Founder & Editor Jason Faulkenburg had this to say: "While we have always been proud of giving out a Cigar of the Year Award based on our rating system, we acknowledge that it limits the amount of consumers that can be engaged and the amount of cigars eligible for the award. We are excited for this change and to open up the award to every cigar and voting to every consumer!". Nominations will go until 11:59pm on the 25th and we will narrow down the top 20 nominations on the 26th. Voting will then begin immediately on those 20 cigars and we will have a Top 10 Countdown beginning in the new year. So go nominate your favorite cigar today!
*Voting for all awards ends at 11:59pm on December 31st